In December 2024, the CREATOUR Observatory on Culture and Tourism for Local Development, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, published an open access book including selected papers from the November 2022 Azores conference and syntheses of the key panels during the conference, including the event organized at Guangzhou University. This publication would not have been possible without the support of the GISU Alliance for which they are grateful. This support is acknowledged on the credits page and in the Acknowledgements text.
The following are details of this publication:
Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience: Insights and Reflections
Editors: Nancy Duxbury, Shamila Rahim, Silvia Silva, and Tiago Vinagre de Castro
With contributions from: Dianne Dredge, Sarah Lebski, Sammi Gowthorp, and Jana Monnone; Olof Yrr Atladottir, Jessica Aquino, and Magdalena Falter; Aisling Ward and Shirley Millar; Kathryn A. Burnett; Meng Qu; Rocio Nogales Muriel; Larissa Fernanda de Lima Almeida; Benoit Duguay, Francois Bedard, Daniele Boulard, and Affouet Estelle Kant.
This book aims to serve as a platform for inspiring a new wave of conceiving and addressing the responsibilities of tourism-related activities, one that holds community well-being and holistic sustainability central. The contributions to this book provide insights on how creative tourism and regenerative tourism are envisioned, developed, and take place in ways that are embedded in particular contexts and worldviews. They point to issues and considerations in conception and design, as well as the processes of implementation, iterative refinements and evolution, and governance. Regenerative tourism represents a transformational shift in how we work in and on tourism, one that requires dedication to change and evolve. In this context, creative tourism may provide a possible source of inspiration and transformative potential moving forward, one that foregrounds the cultural dimensions of living and creating in a particular place.
The following is the link: